Living on a farm we always have ongoing projects and need to do a lot of organizing/tracking.
The planner is divided into four categories: House, Outside, The farm buildings and 'Everything else'.
A standard page includes a title: Eg. the name of a room in the house, and a list of to-do projects.
We try to divide the projects into smaller projects so they are easily obtainable. Every project has a progress bar. Every time we have worked with a project we can color in as far as we think we have progressed. When a project is finished we cross it of to the left.
On this page a few projects have become invalid so we've just crossed them over.
Some of the pages are more journal styled - like this one that contains info about my first litter of bunnies this year - from day of breeding to observations and count when born.
Bigger projects have several pages with todo lists, shopping lists and info about colors we've used.
If I can't find another color swatch I just take out this one and add it to next years journal.
This is an example of another fun page - I track our egg supply by simply adding to this list daily. Instead of just writing a number I paint little eggs. Once a week I add them up and write the number to the right.
I also keep track of how much of the different fruit and vegetables we harvest. This way I can compare to last year and see if we did better or worse.
... And I draw little plans of how I want my gardens planted... This is great to do in the winter months.
Lastly I want to show another type of to do lists. This is a prioritized list of 19 projects we want to finish this summer. The A, B and C's show how big we think they are - C's require a lot of work.
Do you use a project planner?